Sunday, July 5, 2009

Do hypnosis CDs work?

Many people seek hypnosis and other effective therapies because they don't understand the core issues that are causing their challenges. Even when they do understand them, they still have trouble making the changes they want to make simply because they don't know where to get the help they need. Even when money isn't an issue, those people still can't seem to ever get motivated enough to seek a professional to help improve their lives.

Some people choose not to seek any help at all, and continue to live with feelings of pain, fear and doubt. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are those who will try everything! They've been to therapy, they've purchased books, CDs, videos, and even tried those "change your life forever" seminars. Yet they still cannot seem to get beyond the obstacles that are stopping them from having a better life.

This article discusses not the pros and cons of hypnosis CDs, but how to choose the right ones to get the most benefit from your purchase. Live hypnosis sessions will always be the most beneficial and specific to your needs, but hypnosis CDs are perfect when you want your own personal hypnotist on your own time. Which leads us to the all-important question:

Do hypnosis CDs work?

The answer depends on if you are actually aware of the outcome you want to accomplish. In other words, if you are consciously aware that you want to stop smoking, it would make sense that you invest in a smoking cessation hypnosis CD. However, this is where some people may become disappointed. They purchase the CD with the full intent to listen every day until they no longer smoke. However, after a few days, they have seen no improvement. There are some who will continue to persevere, listening every day - taking in all the positive suggestions, and still not get any results!

Hypnosis CDs can and do work. But why don't they work for everyone? It's usually because not everyone has a true grasp of what's really going on inside of them. So they purchase what they think they need. If you're a smoker, think of the reasons you smoke. Is it because you get anxious? Or stressed? Or, perhaps you just want to "get away" for a while? A cigarette does a very effective job fulfilling those emotional needs. In fact, the reason some people find it difficult to quit smoking is because they use cigarettes for comfort during challenging times. Even if you're not a smoker, you can relate to doing something that gives you comfort during stressful times. Whether it's watching TV, eating ice cream, or even exercising.

Should you invest in yourself by purchasing a CD from a hypnotist?

To answer this fairly, think about a problem that you are having that you really want to get over. Maybe it's a habit, or you're really afraid of spiders. Or perhaps you want confidence to speak in public. Whatever it is, really explore what causes you to 'do' that behavior. If it's spiders, are you afraid of the spider itself, or what you think it will do to you? Likely you fear what the spider will do to you. And, if that's the case, what do you fear it will do to you? If you think it will bite you, what will happen then?

As a hypnotist, I keep digging until I find out exactly what is causing your fear (or whatever emotions you are feeling). When you ask yourself probing questions such as those above, the answers will give you more of an understanding of where your problems come from - giving you the direction to take.

Here is my opinion on what steps to take when deciding what hypnosis CDs to purchase:

1. Think about and identify the specific problem you want to stop having.
2. Ask yourself probing questions about that problem.
3. When you come to some deeper, rooted emotions and needs, those are what you use to base your decision on what CDs you should purchase.

Sometimes a "Feel More Confident" hypnosis CD can cover a range of behaviors. I'm sure a CD on "Overcoming Fear" will indirectly cover a spider phobia without even talking about spiders! Maybe something like "Endless Energy" will help you lose weight. I don't know if these are real products, but I think you know where I'm going with this.

The point to all this is: Be informed about your problem.
The more you know what causes you to do the things you do, the more you will understand what you need to overcome those behaviors. Then you can search for the programs that are right for you. That doesn't mean that smokers shouldn't look for those Stop Smoking CDs, it just means that everyone should do some research before investing their money. It's very likely that many hypnotists think like me, and have already created products that cover all aspects and reasons for certain behaviors. If this is the case, then you are certainly getting your money's worth. What's great about purchasing hypnosis CDs is that almost every hypnotist will be happy to answer your questions directly so that you purchase the right items. Make sure to take advantage of their expertise!

I should disclaim that there are hypnotists out there that are very popular and may not give you any type of free consultation. You will need to do your research and make sure you feel comfortable with and from whom you purchase. If you don't resonate with their business practices, the wording on their website, or them as a person, you probably won't like their CDs either.

At this time, I don't sell audio or video products. I wrote this article to help those who may not know which direction to take. I always recommend live sessions with a hypnotist over audio products mainly due to the fact that a CD cannot give you objective feedback, ask questions, or help you through the hypnosis process with the personal guidance that is sometimes necessary. Every session is unique. I need your feedback during a session to make sure we are always going in a direction that's comfortable for you. That is why I always get results where a CD may or may not. I do however want you to seek the help you need in any way you can find it. Hypnosis CDs are an excellent source of guidance from the right people. Find someone you really connect with, find a program that fits your needs, and enjoy making the changes of a lifetime!

If you have any questions, feel free to visit my contact page here: mindguidance contact

1 comment:

  1. Almost 20% of the population suffers from winter blues. 5% of the population becomes victims of deep depression: Loss of sense of humour, a desire to be alone, weight gain and a loss of interest for usual activities.
